About Planète Vintage

The origins

Once upon a time, there was a little boy born between two eras, in 1992 . A year at the turning point of the end of the 20th century, and the start of a new millennium. He experienced the best of both worlds: the beauty of the past , and the technology of the future .

Dad was born at the end of the 1950s. He collected all kinds of retro and vintage objects: radios, pinball machines (which is still at home!), jukeboxes, posters ... The interior of the house was a real temple dedicated to nostalgia .

Even when he was little, this boy was fascinated by all these magical and colorful decorations . Every object he looked at amazed him. He felt like he was living in Ali Baba's cave . 🤩

One day, towards the end of the 90s, an unusual new inhabitant moved into the house: a computer equipped with the latest system (for the time!): Windows 98. The little boy was fascinated by the device, which allowed him to have access to very useful information for school... Or rather, to have fun with the numerous video games installed ! 🕹️


Doom (1993)

Google and the internet

But it was only with the beginning of 2000, the arrival of the Internet and especially the famous Google search engine, that he exploited the full potential of this machine. Little rascal that he was, he discovered “by chance” the Pin-ups , these pretty girls in the simplest form, delicately drawn, without ever being vulgar or tendentious. 💋

He fell in love with these posters, especially those by Gil Elvgren . Fascinated as he was by his father's treasures , he set out in search of as many “ retro ” objects as possible. A real encyclopedia presented itself to him, and he scrolled through the images one after the other.

— “Wow, it’s incredible, all the objects from the past are so beautiful!” It is certain that in the future, there will be even more! » said the little boy to himself.

pin up gil elvgren

A pin-up painted by Gil Elvgren

The present is outdated

But he was extremely disappointed . It was getting worse and worse with each passing year. Everything had become sad . Uniform . No more personality, no more charm, emanated from the objects. The complete opposite of what he had known before . Even the world around him seemed to be following the same path. The cars all looked the same, the decorations were tasteless... Even the people seemed identical , incapable of having a personality.

Where had gone the boldness, the colors, the beauty with which he had grown up?

As an adult, he was unable to escape this time loop. Some called him " reactive ", but that didn't stop him from believing in what he had loved. He believed in the famous phrase “ it was better before.” »

But what to do, then? Continue to live in the past? To resign ? 🤔


Listening to music: before VS now...

Long live online commerce!

Resign yourself, never. He did not lose hope, and he set up a project. His determination was unwavering: he wanted to share his passion. He then analyzed e-commerce , these famous online sales stores, which offered every possible merchandise imaginable. And among the crowd of objects lying dormant in their warehouses, there were obviously retro objects .

But something always bothered him: these stores were soulless . They had no personality. Where was the expertise? Where was the universe? Where was the pleasure of contact with the customer , and making them feel the thrill of discovery? Where were the exclusive products? He wanted to be the artisan, not the industrialist.


Portrait of a Worker ( Vladimir Aleksandrovich Serov [1910-1968])

Vintage Planet 🚀

Something essential was missing: a place where all nostalgic people could feel at home . A world – or a planet ? – where they would find everything they need, helped by the best experts in the field.

A bright idea then came to him: create his own online vintage decoration store . A store that had to fulfill three simple objectives :

  • To be the best store for all fans of retro , vintage , and industrial . Vintage posters , vintage metal plaques , vintage alarm clocks , vintage chandeliers ... Everything must be there!
  • Quantity must rhyme with quality : lots of products for lots of choice, because each one is unique. Uncompromising expert and curious neophyte, everyone will be satisfied. 🤗
  • Establish a community in order to create a close bond with your customers (through social networks ) and share your expertise via articles on a vintage blog . Clearly, communication must rhyme with passion ! 💖

All he needed was a name . He wanted it to be simple , and perfectly summarize his vision of things.

To express his passion, he had to create a new world, a world of his own. He therefore had to leave his planet... to create his own. The Vintage Planet : a planet where all nostalgic people would be in their place . The name was found!

With that, he needed a catchy slogan. “ The past is not outdated ” was adopted after long reflections. That's what he said whenever someone made fun of his taste for "old stuff." » This slogan then became his hobby horse.

Now it's up to you to be part of its story. Become a Vintagian – the name of the inhabitants of Planet Vintage – become a member of the community , and you too can set off to discover this new world . 🌎

