comment la route 66 est devenue une légende

How Route 66 Became A Legend


    Having become a cultural heritage of the United States, Route 66 is now legendary. Its goal was to connect the east to the west of the United States: from Chicago (Illinois) to Santa Monica (California). But to sum it up to that would be an affront as its history and its reputation are grandiose.

    Indeed, despite the years, it has kept a special place in the hearts of Americans, particularly bikers , but not only that. For many people, it was the incarnation of a new America, both adventurous and unified (because the west was then very little known).

    route 66 clock

    His fame, both national and international, can be explained in particular by numerous artists who have paid tribute to him (including the famous “Route 66” by the Rolling Stones). Today, the road is only a shadow of its glorious past. However, given the 50s and 60s , it still attracts the curious in search of new nostalgic discoveries to sink their teeth into. 🔍

    As you know, at Planète-Vintage 🚀 , the past is not outdated. That's why today we present to you the legendary Route 66.

    The role of Route 66

    A capitalist country par excellence, the United States suffered from a lack at the national level: the facilitation of free trade. In fact, the two west and east banks were not connected.

    route 66 map

    Along came Route 66, which was the first paved transcontinental highway : thanks to it, trade and contacts between the shores could be greatly facilitated.

    Furthermore, through its bordering municipalities, Route 66 allowed the development of numerous businesses of all kinds: drive-in cinemas, diner-type restaurants, motels, etc. In this aspect, she perfectly embodied the American dream which consisted of starting from zero to become immensely rich. 🗽

    Also, its “ road trip ” aspect gave it a particular characteristic mixing two paradoxes: the “wild” and the “romantic”. In fact, it appealed enormously to backpackers , particularly bikers (in a future article, we will explain how to do Route 66 on a motorcycle). Route 66 was the “hip” road par excellence. 😎

    The legend of Route 66

    route 66 car

    Undeniably, Route 66 marked an entire generation : millions of drivers traveling from Illinois to California, but also variations in songs, texts, paintings and decorative elements . Thus, thanks to artists, Route 66 has become an icon of popular culture .

    Ultimately, Americans will be so attached to it that it will end up becoming one of the most iconic heritages of the United States. Revered by absolute aficionados, it is the subject of a true passion of hearts.

    So, visiting Route 66 is like going back to the “ good old days ” of America in the 1950s: gas stations, diners, motels and a few ghost towns scattered here and there.

    route 66 restaurant

    However, it is impossible to understand the importance of Route 66 in the country without understanding its function... as a road. Highly industrialized, the United States is a country where the car is king, and where travel within the same state or from one state to another is common. For Americans, it is indeed usual to have lived in several different states. In other words, mobility is a typical aspect of American culture: and the best way to get around is the highways . 🛣️

    The economic development of the United States is characterized in particular by its automobile industry . Indeed, the country's economic growth went hand in hand with automobile production . Thus, if in 1913, only 1 million Americans owned a car, this figure will be multiplied by 20 (!) in 1925.

    In 1940, after the war and during the 1950s, the automobile industry reached an unprecedented economic leap : for 40 million cars at the start of 1950, there would be 60 million at the dawn of the 1960s. 🚗

    Seizing the opportunity, an entire market will develop around the car, particularly along Route 66: motels, gas stations, etc. But above all it will be the appearance of the “ drive-in cinema ” (drive-in cinema in French) which will experience incredible expansion. Indeed, if there were not even a hundred in 1941, there will be several thousand drive-in theaters in 1956.

    Cine Park

    Route 66 in our time

    Let's be clear: traveling the Route de 66 is synonymous with merit. It is also this point which contributed to its myth . Yes, the Mother Road has lost its aura: many elements are deserted and only have wild grass to decorate them, while other portions are totally forgotten ( ghost towns ). or are no longer maintained (beware of potholes!). Add that to the fact that the signage is not always optimal, traveling Route 66 is sometimes a real challenge .

    However, this is only too hasty an observation. Indeed, the interest in Route 66 is such that certain portions are still maintained , while others have been completely restored for the occasion. Obviously, the Mother Road will never die as long as its legend is held in the hearts of men. 💓

    road 66

    Taking the route of Route 66 is like taking a trip through time: the buildings haven't moved, and neither has the nostalgia. In short, a real treasure allowing you to rediscover America in the 1950s, America as described by Jack Kerouac in his famous “ On the Road ”…

    Vintage lovers will find what they are looking for: retro buildings (abandoned or converted), neon signs, leatherette benches... while the trip will be dotted with motels , service stations and shops of all kinds. The famous ghost towns have also survived history, and are now just waiting for the curious to visit them. 👻

    Go on an adventure with Route 66 and rediscover the American dream ! 🏍️

    A Short History of Route 66

    In the 1920s, two businessmen were the fathers of Route 66: John Woodruff and Cyrus Avery . Their goal was simple but ambitious: to connect the west to the east via a “ super highway ”, with the aim of expanding business to the west (which at the time was difficult to access).

    To achieve this objective, it was necessary to bring together several sections of road. Usefully, the construction would also make it possible to crisscross the streets of villages and towns to allow these regions and urban areas to have access to major roads (they did not have access to them before).

    John T. Woodruff Cyrus Avery

    Although its route was modified many times in minor portions, this never altered the importance of Route 66. Traveling Route 66 required 3940 kilometers and passing through 3 time zones. Although the Route 66 project was started at the end of 1926 , it was not until 1927 that the road signs were installed, while the tarmacing was not finalized until 1937 .

    Following the creation of Route 66, traffic habits will be completely disrupted. Of course, the first thing being that by allowing an easier crossing of the United States, it allowed many people to escape the poverty of the east to reach the west.

    Those who will emigrate the most towards the Pacific will be the Okies (inhabitants of Oklahoma), better known as the “movement of the poor”. Victim of the Dust Bowl following their desert environment, the possibility of leaving for green lands will be the main reason for their emigration. Furthermore, Route 66 was named “ the route of refugees ” by Steinbeck: the west and the east can finally meet!

    dust bowl

    Then, Route 66 was a new illustration of the American dream : leaving poor lands for unknown lands and making a fortune there. Indeed, the growing affluence will attract new entrepreneurs who will create businesses linked to cars and services. Thus, many villages and towns along Route 66 were able to develop by offering new businesses: gas stations , motels , “ diners ”, grocery stores , etc.

    Therefore, many symbols will represent Route 66:

    1. Freedom (to travel). 🗺️
    2. Opportunities to seize. 💰
    3. Change in social class (moving from poor to rich). 🧐
    4. Modernization (the car ). 🚘

    However, everything will change after the end of World War II. During his trip to Germany, General Eisenhower took German roads as a model, because they facilitated the transportation of armed forces. He decided that a new road plan was needed for the United States.

    In 1956, the American administration applied the “ Federal Aid Highway Act ”. This will be the start of a massive new highway construction system across the United States that is intended to be fast, direct, and bypassing small towns. This system, called the “ Interstate Highway System ,” will trim certain portions here and there of highways… including Route 66 .

    road construction

    Little by little, Route 66 became less and less busy . Previously prosperous, businesses making their living from road activity gradually had to file for bankruptcy . However, Route 66 took an unexpected turn at the time: that of protest . She will accompany the beatnik movements, while she will be a symbol for the “rebels”. The movie “ Easy Rider ” will play a big role in this.

    It was in 1985 that Route 66 disappeared from road maps and lost its status as a “United States Highway”. However, the Mother Road was not yet defeated .

    Indeed, at the end of the 1980s, many people supporting Route 66 created associations to rehabilitate it and declare it a “ historic route ”. This goal will be a success : many parts of the route will be registered with the National Register of Historic Places . Others (in Illinois, Missouri and New Mexico) will gain National Scenic Byway status in 2005. Finally, in 2008, a specific route (the Discover Our Shared Heritage ) will be created by the National Park Service .

    Today, Route 66 is part of American heritage and remains a symbol of popular and backpacker culture.

    route 66 biker

    Route 66: places to visit

    Drive-in cinemas 📽️

    Also known as “ drive-ins ,” drive-in theaters were particularly popular with young people who often went there as lovers. They were only accessible at night (necessary for projection), which penalized them compared to traditional cinemas, accessible at any time of the day. They subsequently disappeared , to the point of becoming very rare.

    One of the last drive-ins still in existence is the " 66 drive-in " which is located in Carthage, Missouri.

    drive in cinema

    Restaurants or “diners” 🍴

    The shimmering colors and period decorations of the Route 66 “diners” will delight vintage lovers … and gourmets!

    Must-see diners : Lou Mitchell's (Illinois), Missouri Hick Bar-B-Que (Missouri), Cars on the Route (Kansas), Rock Café (Oklanoma), Big Texan Steak Ranch (Texas), Delgadillo's Snow Cap Drive-In ( Arizona), River City Pizza (California).

    We personally recommend the 66 diner (New Mexico): the waitresses are even dressed in the style of the time ! (see photo below)

    route 66 restaurant

    Gas stations ⛽

    How can we not mention the gas stations on Route 66? After all, without gasoline, it is impossible for the driver to drive forever! Their atypical and colorful design will delight the nostalgic feelings of those who think that “ it was better before ”. One thing is certain: for the price of gasoline, it was the case!

    In the photo below you can see Ambler's famous Texaco gas station . It is no longer in operation, but was transformed into a tourist attraction in 2005!

    👉 Also discover our magnificent gas pump clock which will give a “Route 66” style to your decoration!

    vintage texaco gas pump

    Motels 🏨

    When driving on a road as demanding as Route 66 , it is sometimes necessary to take a little rest. This is a good thing: the magnificent motels on Route 66 are as beautiful as they are a good place to sleep!

    The must-see motels : Best Western Route 66 Rail Haven (Missouri), Baxter Inn 4 Less (Kansas), Big Texan Motel (Texas), Blue Swallow Motel (New Mexico).

    For our part, it is the Munger Moss Hotel (Illinois) that we recommend.

    route 66 motel

    Route 66 in popular culture

    Route 66 was so significant for generations that it left its mark on many areas . Let's find out a few.

    In literature 📚

    The Grapes of Wrath (John Steinbeck)

    Inspired by the movement of the poor, John Steinbeck created the novel "The Grapes of Wrath" by describing the mass movement of a poor family to the west. This book will appear in 10th place in the hundred best English-language novels of the 20th century established by the Modern Library in 1998.

    It will also be adapted into a film starring famous actor Henry Fonda .

    the grapes of wrath movie

    On the Road (Jack Kerouac)

    “On the Road” is an autobiographical novel by Jack Kerouac (named Sal Paradise in the book) where he describes his travels throughout the United States with his friends. Time will award him the prize for the best English novel of the period 1923-2005.

    on the road book

    In music 🎵

    Route 66 by Bobby Troup

    Inspired by the libertarian and romantic character of Route 66, Bobby Troup composed the famous song “Route 66”. Having become a classic of American song , it will be interpreted by many artists: Nat King Kole, Chuck Berry, Bing Crosby, Charles Trenet... it will be the version of the Rolling Stones which will be exported the most internationally.

    On television / in the cinema 🎞️

    The “Route 66” series

    A series simply titled “Route 66” was broadcast on television. It tells the adventure of two boys, Tod and Buzz, traveling the famous road in a convertible Chevrolet Corvette .

    route 66 tv series

    The animated film “Cars” (Disney / Pixar)

    The town of “Radiator Spring” pays homage to several famous elements of Route 66. For example, the “ Cozy Cone Motel ” is directly inspired by the “ Wigwam Motels ”.

    cars cozy cone motel

    In decorative objects 🛣️

    Of course, Route 66 was declined into many products, including decorative objects .

    At Planète-Vintage 🚀 , we are absolute fans of this route and all the retro elements attached to it. This is why we offer you products like vintage posters , vintage metal plaques , vintage chandeliers and even superb vintage mirrors . So you will always have a bit of the “Route 66” atmosphere at home!

    metal plaque route 66

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