tout savoir sur marilyn monroe

Everything you need to know about Marilyn Monroe



Decades after her tragic death, the blonde diva is still an icon of femenity, elegance and success. A character as tragic as she is admiring, Marilyn Monroe left no one indifferent. Even today we still hear about her, often summed up as a sexy, bubbly little blonde . However, this is only an anecdotal facet of Marilyn Monroe, as her character is so intriguingly complex. Together, let's discover all the secrets of Marilyn Monroe!

marilyn monroe clock

Who was Marilyn Monroe?

Marilyn Monroe was born on June 1, 1926 as Norma Jeane Mortenson (her first name was chosen by her mother, then a fan of actress Norma Talmadge). An actress and model , Norma overcame a difficult childhood to become one of the world's most important and enduring sex symbols: Marilyn Monroe. Her pseudonym is a combination of "Marilyn", suggested by one of her producers at Fox, and "Monroe" which was her mother's maiden name. His films grossed over $200 million . She is known for her relationships with Arthur Miller, Joe DiMaggio and, perhaps, President John F. Kennedy. She died of an overdose on August 5, 1962, at only 36 years old.

marilyn monroe dress

Marilyn Monroe's famous white dress in "Seven Years of Reflection"

What was Marilyn Monroe's childhood like?

Monroe was born in 1926 in Los Angeles, California. Growing up, she spent much of her time in foster care and an orphanage.

In 1937, a family friend and her husband, Grace and Doc Goddard, took care of Monroe for a few years. The Goddards were paid $25 a week by Monroe's mother to raise her.

The couple was deeply religious and followed fundamentalist doctrines; among other prohibited activities, Monroe was not allowed to go to the movies . But when Doc's job moved to the East Coast, the couple couldn't afford to take Monroe with them.

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Marilyn Monroe with her mother, Gladys Monroe.

At age seven, Monroe returned to a life in foster homes , where she was repeatedly sexually assaulted ; she later said she was raped when she was 11. She left high school at the age of 15.

Monroe was given a way out through marriage, and she married her boyfriend and merchant mariner Jimmy Dougherty in 1942, at the age of 16.

Monroe never knew his father . She once thought Clark Gable was her father (a story so often repeated that a version of it may have made her money). However, there is no evidence that Gable ever met or knew Monroe's mother, Gladys, who developed psychiatric problems and was eventually placed in a mental institution.

As an adult, Monroe maintains that one of his earliest memories was of his mother trying to smother him in his crib with a pillow. Monroe had a half-sister , with whom she was not close; they only met half a dozen times.

marilyn monroe young

Marilyn Monroe as a teenager when she did not yet have blonde hair.

How did Marilyn Monroe become famous?

Monroe dreamed of becoming an actress like Jean Harlow and Lana Turner. When her husband was sent to the South Pacific, she began working in a munitions factory in Van Nuys, California. It was there that she was discovered by a photographer (some photos are available in our top 12 famous pin-ups ).

When Dougherty returned in 1946, Monroe enjoyed a successful modeling career . That year, she signed her first film contract . With this contract, it gives itself a new name and a new image; she begins calling herself "Marilyn Monroe" and dyes her hair blonde .

At first, Monroe was not considered a star actress. Her acting career didn't really take off until a few years later. With her breathy voice and hourglass figure, she would soon become one of Hollywood's most famous actresses . She proved her talent by winning various awards and attracting a large audience to her films.

marilyn monroe hollywood boulevard
Marilyn Monroe placing her hands on the cool cement of Hollywood Boulevard.

Monroe became a highly regarded international star despite chronic insecurities regarding her acting abilities. She suffered from pre-performance anxiety that sometimes made her physically ill and was often the cause of her legendary lateness to film sets, which was so extreme that it often infuriated her fellow stars and crew.

“She would be the best if she worked like a watch,” director Billy Wilder once said of her. “I have an Aunt Minnie who is very punctual, but who would pay to see Aunt Minnie?”

marilyn monroe seven years of reflection

Marilyn Monroe on the set of “Seven Years of Reflection”

Throughout her career, Monroe signed and won several contracts with film studios .

By the mid-1950s, Monroe grew tired of roles as a bubbly, dorky blonde, and moved to New York to study acting with Lee Strasberg at the Actors' Studio .

By the early 1960s, however, Monroe's professional and personal life appeared to be in turmoil following unsuccessful relationships . His last two films, Le Milliardaire (1960) and Les Désaxés (1961), were box office failures .

the billionaire marilyn monroe poster

“The Billionaire”, a commercial failure.

The best Marilyn Monroe films

  • When the City Sleeps (1950)
  • Eve (1950)
  • Niagara (1953)
  • Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953)
  • How to Marry a Millionaire (1953)
  • The Merry Parade (1954)
  • Seven Years of Reflection (1955)
  • Bus Stop (1956)
  • The Prince and the Showgirl (1957)
  • Some Like It Hot (1959)

men prefer blondes poster

The poster for “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” .

Who were Marilyn Monroe's husbands?

Monroe had three husbands in her life: James Dougherty (1942-1946); Joe DiMaggio (1954) and Arthur Miller (1956-1961). She is also remembered for her romantic relationships with Marlon Brando , Frank Sinatra , Yves Montand and director Elia Kazan .

On June 19, 1942, Monroe, aged 16, married James Dougherty , a 20-year-old merchant mariner. Dougherty lived next door to a friend of Monroe's mother; he suggested that she marry Monroe so that she would not be sent to an orphanage or other foster home. When they married, Monroe had just turned 16 and the couple had only been dating for a few months. When Monroe's career began to take off, she filed for a quick divorce in September 1946.

"I never knew Marilyn Monroe, and I don't pretend to know her anymore. I knew and loved Norma Jean," Dougherty would later say.

marilyn monroe james dougherty

Marilyn Monroe and James Dougherty

In 1954, Monroe was married to baseball great DiMaggio for nine months. After his death, DiMaggio had red roses delivered to his crypt for the next 20 years.

Monroe's longest marriage was to playwright Arthur Miller . They first met in 1950 at a party and later began exchanging letters. They met again when Monroe moved to New York in 1955, and they began an affair while she was still married to DiMaggio. They were married on June 29, 1956 .

Immediately, the couple began to have problems. Monroe suffered two miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy. After Miller and Monroe began working together on what would have been his final film, The Unhinged , they divorced on January 20, 1961 .

marilyn monroe arthur miller

Marilyn Mornoe and Arthur Miller.

A relationship with President Kennedy?

There have also been rumors that Monroe was involved with President John F. Kennedy and/or his brother Robert Kennedy at the time of his death.

On May 19, 1962, Monroe made her now-famous performance at John F. Kennedy's birthday celebration, singing "Happy Birthday, Mr. President ".

Moments later, President Kennedy appeared on stage and declared: "I can now retire from politics after having Happy Birthday sung to me in such a sweet and wholesome way."

How did Marilyn Monroe die?

Monroe died at his home in Los Angeles on August 5, 1962, at the age of just 36. An empty bottle of sleeping pills was found near his bed.

Over the years there have been speculations about his murder, but the cause of his death was officially ruled an overdose .

Monroe was buried in her favorite Emilio Pucci dress , in what was known as a " Cadillac casket " - the most high-end casket available, made of heavy-gauge solid bronze and lined with champagne-colored silk.

Strasberg delivered a eulogy to a small group of friends and family. Hugh Hefner bought the crypt right next to Monroe's.

Monroe did not own a home until the last year of his life and had surprisingly few possessions. One of his most prized possessions was an autographed photo of Albert Einstein , which included an inscription: "To Marilyn, with respect, love and thanks."

marilyn monroe dead

Marilyn Monroe, died after an overdose of sleeping pills.

Why is Marilyn Monroe an icon?

With her sexy clothes, adorable and whimsical blonde persona, sultry and glamorous looks, and classic Hollywood movie star appeal, Marilyn attracted crowds and distinguished herself from other Tinsel Town actresses of the time, creating thus a unique look of its kind .

Many modern women, very prominent in the world of entertainment, have tried to be inspired by it: Lady Gaga , Christina Aguilera, Lindsay Lohan, Scarlett Johansson, Pamela Anderson and Paris Hilton, to name just a few. But why ? Why such devotion ? Why the desire to follow or imitate a fellow actress of another age?

Because, simply put, Marilyn is and always will be an icon, an embodiment of beauty, of pop culture, of the 1950s and 1960s, of the 20th century and the golden age of Hollywood. She remains America's first female superstar to this day - she thrilled millions, then and now. Women wanted to be her, men wanted to be with her. Marilyn appealed to everyone on different levels: emotionally, psychologically, sexually, physically and intellectually.

marilyn monroe

A complex and fascinating woman who managed to achieve much despite so many obstacles during her childhood, she became a preeminent international sex symbol and the quintessence of America, a woman who, in an era of immense sexual oppression , became knowledgeable and self-taught despite a lack of formal education.

Dying so young is of course very, very sad, no matter who you are, or what your profession is, but in Marilyn's case, it certainly helped preserve her legacy . Unlike so many of her contemporaries who perhaps carried on a little longer than they should have and were seen to age, becoming progressively less glamorous before our eyes, try to find an imperfect and unflattering image of Marilyn . You won't succeed. You will never find a photo of her aging or emaciated. Never .

marilyn monroe

Timeless Marilyn.

Marilyn Monroe Quotes

  • Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be totally ridiculous than totally boring.
  • I think it's better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone.
  • I only belong to the public and to the world. Not because I'm talented or pretty, but because I've never belonged to anyone.
  • Women have two terrible weapons at their disposal: makeup and tears. Fortunately for men they cannot use them at the same time.
  • Give a woman nice shoes and she can conquer the world.

marilyn monroe quote

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